Knowing when to walk away is WISDOM.
Being able to is COURAGE.
Walking away with your head held high is DIGNITY.
I broke up with a friendship last night. Without fanfair, drama or even a confontation or conversation. I broke up by simply making a decision and for the first time, maybe in my entire life, that was enough.
It sure took me long enough. But, as you know, I don't quit easily. I am certainly not perfect and I have made mistakes too numerous to count in this life, but one of my strengths, or my commitments, is that I fix things, all things, even when I shouldn't. Even, when I can't. I forge ahead and do everything in my power to try. Well, I am done trying to fix something that I have no control over, that isn't really healthy or beneficial to me, and that, ultimately, was likely broken beyond repair years ago.
I have a hard time accpeting "beyond repair" - you and I had many conversations about it, actually, but then you were talking about the "what if's" of your illness. I so naively thought (and sometimes, still think) that everything is repairable. That if you look hard enough or dedicate yourself enough, there is always a solution and that everything is fixable. But, what I often forget, or simply cannot accept, is that not everyone has it in them to do the work, to authetically be vulnerable, and/or the desire to make things the way they say they want them. There is no fault in that statement, just a realization, that truth means different thing to different people. That people, even myself, may not be capable of fixing what is broken, especially without everyone on the same page.
So, I am finally in a place where I am attempting to live what I preach to our kids: "people only treat you in ways that you allow". Well, I am done allowing myself to be treated in a way that doesn't feel good. I am no longer willing to watch people that I love and care about be treated inappropriately because of their friendship with me. I am simply at a place where I am choosig to be in relationship with people who actively choose to be in relationship with me in an open, honest and genuine way. Whatever we do, whomever we do it with, is easy and enjoyable and, probably most important for me right now, public. I don't hide what I do, whom I do it with, or attempt to keep it covered. I just can't....I did it once, with you, and it almost destroyed me. I made choices that ultimately broke me, choices I regret, choices that didn't help either of us, and, in the end, your illness still took you away.
I get that this is another type of choice. I get that even though making this choice is somewhat freeing, it is not without pain or loss or sadness. It is just necessary. So, I set my mind, made a decision that is fucking hard, that hurts, that I will mourn, but that is so completely right for me right now that I can do so knowing my heart and my head will ultimately meet in the middle and agree on this course, at some point. I will do everything in my power to do so with love in my heart, because no matter how much I wish I could let this love go, I will always have love for this person, what she meant to me, who "we" were (or maybe, more realistically, who I THOUGHT she was). I love our past, our memories, our families; I just cannot love the differences in our definition of friendship or authenticity or honesty.
So, I broke up with someone I love last night. I imagined us talking and what I would say IF she were the person I wanted her to be, the person I believed her to be so long ago. And then I walked away.
Now, I just have to keep making choices that combine with Wisdom, Courage and Dignity that brought me to this decision. I write this to you for several reasons...because I want our kids to know that I work every day to be better, that sometimes it hurts to do what is best for you and people you love, because you called this one so long ago and I couldn't see it then, because you know my successes and my failures, but most importantly because I hope this makes you proud.