I sit here, hanging with Madi Moo, awaiting news. TOTALLY DIFFERENT NEWS. But still...parrallels. I write this not to be overly dramatic, nor compare what I am going through now, with what we went through then. However, the way our mind works (or maybe more accurately, the way MY mind works), random situations can become triggers to the past. Currently, this is where I am at....something from the last few days has "triggered" memories of the past. Perhaps it is a combination of the unknown and waiting that reminds me; I cannot honestly say.
Today, my reason for writing is twofold. One is because I find this website a safe way to stay connected to you...I used to come here and rant and rave, emote or just because you were in the forefront of my mind. Now a days, thoughts of you are more fleeting. Less often, if I am honest. And, sometimes, weirdly more emotional. My other main reason for writing is more cerebrally internal...I am searching for what to say and how to say it. I am sure the second reason shocks you, as much as it shocks me. I have only been unable to formulate what I wanted to say was immediately following your death...however, when the words needed to come, they ran amuck. I am hoping they do that once again.
So, here goes nothing....or hopefully, something! I sit here at home, on what feels like house arrest, but is actually doctor's orders. Medically, there is something wrong with me. What it is...is a semi-mystery. What it isn't, I am thankful for, but my future health, fitness, etc. are still potentially uncertain. I don't need to go into all the details, but essentially last week, there were a few little weird things that happened that we didn't put together until being tested in the ER for a stroke. Eye puffiness, (yes, I thought I had a stye...which apparently everyone close to me noticed, but only Madi was RUDE (kidding) enough to comment on), a couple issues of spinning-like dizziness (which I easily wrote off as me getting back in shape and not drinking enough water), a night when I couldn't walk in a straight line and ran into a wall (I asked Greg if he roofied me....seriously, I did! Chalked it up to exhaustion), and then Friday hit...and apparently I looked like the joker. The left side of my face went slack...it slid. No one was home. I didn't look in a mirror, feel anything or notice it. However, when Meg came in the house to drop off work stuff, she literally asked "What the f*&$ is wrong with your face?". After calling her rude and explaining I had a stye, there were a lot more words exchanged
before I finally looked in the mirror. Well, after promising her I would call the doc later, I made a phone call, went into walk in hours and was rushed to the ER under stroke protocol. Not only did I look like a villian in a comic book, I failed neuological tests on my left side. Never would have guessed it, nor believed it, but I watched it. Finally called my husband at work and so began our weekend.
After CT scans, 8000 blood draws (ok, maybe 5), countless tests, scary low heart and blood pressure rates (which I attribute to my olympic-like fitness prowess), 3 MRI's, we are a tad more informed. I did not have a stroke, for which I am eternally thankfu. I do not appear to have Bell's Pasly or MS. I no longer look like the joker, but if you look closely, I cannot fully open my left eye....it looks like I have a stye (irony, here). My daughter says my smile is still slightly crooked. My left leg has regained most, if not all, of it's strength. However, I am still dizzy on occasion. My left eye does not like tracking far left and I have some headaches. All in all, I feel mostly normal, incredibly frustrated, a bit scared and really vulnerable (which I f%$#@*^ hate), but I am home. I am working. I am stubborn (reallly, really stubborn) and I will fight whatever this is with a vengence. I am awaiting blood tests that are extremely detailed and take 7-10 days to come back to confirm a pretty interesting, and kinda freaky, autoimmune disease. It will require medicine, alterations and a lot of processing...which I have been working on for the last couple of days, but can't complete until I have answers, in lieu of guessing. So, while I really do not want this to be the disease they believe it to be, I would love to know something concrete.
That feeling, the one of NEEDING to know, but not wanting to...yeah, that brings the tears and the memory of that awful day five years ago. Crazy...nothing like it, but damn it if my emotions don't make it
feel like it. I watched my kids, my loved ones, have that fear this weekend. I watched Kait, Madi and Drew process just like they did with you....and it was awful. I know logically that they will bury me one day, but they should not have to for a VERY long time. They have dealt with enough fear, loss and tragedy. See, once again, it's kind of easy to see why you're in my thoughts and on my mind. Truth is you never leave my heart, for better or for worse. Thanks for being part 1 of this life....even if you left way too early. I cannot thank you enough for teaching me who I am today....for letting the grief of losing you break me before rebuilding me into a stronger, wiser and better person.
To my friends that took the time to read this....I thank you. For caring enough to read my ramblings. For reaching out. For giving me space. (I know, that doesn't make sense, but my emotions range from wanting to escape this house to wanting to cry in a corner.) For loving me, despite the confusion or uncertainty. For supporting my kids and Greg, who has been my rock. From the ashes five years ago, I (we) faced a new normal that we could never have imagined. I likely face another new normal of sorts that I cannot fathom, nor plan for, so I thank you in advance for your patience while I figure it out.
Greg....I love you. Periord. Plain. Simple. (Yes, you drive me insane, but maybe that is the point)
To my "parents"....mom, papa, dad, Cindy, Linda, Chris, Pete - thank you for all the concern and love.
To my family....I love you and will be ok, I promise.
To my kids...I want to be here for you ALWAYS, even when I know that is not possible, but I will do my best to pester you for the next 50 years.
To Tori & Maddi....thank you for being incredible bonus daughters and for the outpouring of love.
To Meg, Lori, Amanda, Tom, Terry....thank you for sitting/standing through countless hours of tests in a super awesome hospital ER/room. More importantly thank you for being with Greg and I through the confusion and providing a security, safety and comfort when laughter was needed the most.
To LeeAnne, Kristen, Jen, Lisa, Becky, the BOMB girls, Nancy, Dylan, Craig, Matt-n-Melissa, Rolf, Bailey...thank you for the constant texts, support and love sent from all over this country and for keeping everything close to your chest and in your hearts.
With hugs, a bit of fear, some tears and a SHITLOAD of tenancity....here we go.